Hot Spot 4 On 6th June 2013, inCASA will be represented by In-JeT at The Danish Welfare Technology Exhibition and Conference. In-JeT will have an exhibition stand demonstrating the project’s technical solution and results. Specifically, the transferability capabilities of inCASA will be demonstrated using the results from the municipality of Skive who is currently testing the inCASA solution. The demonstration will include the touch screen and some of the devices used by chronic elderly patients in Skive and visitors to the stand will have the opportunity to try the devices themselves. In addition to the exhibition, representatives from Skive municipality will, in cooperation with In-JeT, give a presentation at the conference about their experiences with using the inCASA solution.
The annual conference is aimed at Danish municipal and regional healthcare and social care staff working with telemedicine. The Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior, Margrethe Vestager, and former Health Minister, Arne Rolighed, are among the many prominent speakers at the conference. The programme can be downloaded here (in Danish).

Hot Spot 3
The Italian national Exploitation Event was organized in the framework of the eHealth conference that was held on the 28th of May 2013 in Rome. REPLY, INVENT and ATC sponsored the event all day, by placing an inCASA stand. The Conference was sponsored mainly by:
  • The Ministry of Health
  • The Ministry of Economic Development
  • SIRM: an Italian association on Medical Radiology
  • AICC: an Italian association on Clinical Engineering
    Moreover, a specific inCASA workshop was organized within the event demonstrating the inCASA approach, the technical solution, the services and evidence of the inCASA results, presented by involved inCASA Pilot professionals.
    The full agenda of the inCASA session in the eHealth Forum is available online

    Hot Spot 2
    INSERM, along with TID and REPLY, submitted an abstract paper for the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). The paper was accepted and inCASA project was presented at a very important event in the healthcare domain on 2nd of June 2012 at Chicago. The inCASA poster can be found here.
    The submitted work is focused on the French pilot study and is entitled 'The European inCASA telecare-telehealth electronic platform for the daily assessment of symptoms, weight and activity in cancer patients on chronotherapy at home.'
    Additional information regarding the INSERM pilot site activities can be viewed at

    Hot Spot 1
    First pilot in planning: The first inCASA pilot is being planned with the partner Agenzia Territoriale per la casa della Provincia di Torino. ATC Torino is the public body with responsibility for social and public housing in the area of Torino and its surroundings. The Pilot will focus on user behaviour, providing an useful profile to search and determine behaviour that could lead to health problems.

  • Affiliations
    inCASA is affilliated with these programs and organisations:

    The inCASA project supports the Commissions activities in ICT for Health: eHealth.

    The inCASA platform allows for the creation of inclusive applications with accessibility for all. The project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

    The inCASA project supports the Ageing Well Thematic Network which aims at creating a Community of Actors interested in improving the life of Elderly People by promoting the market uptake of ICT solutions for Ageing Well!

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    inCASA for SMEs

    SMEs are valuable contributors to the value chain in the social care and healthcare environment, mainly because they tend to be flexible and dynamic and in addition they have a great capacity for innovation. SMEs could provide breakthrough solutions which can play an important role in the life of the inCASA solution, during the inCASA project, and beyond.

    inCASA leads towards a world leading position for European industry and in particular involves SMEs in new markets for innovative, integrated ICT based products, services and systems for independent living supporting the ageing population. The health domain and its three main industries, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and eHealth, are dominant economic sectors with respect to employment creation and growth.

    The “social care” market is rapidly increasing and new SMEs are arising in this field, following the modern citizen centric focused vision and therefore contributing to introduce a wider concept of “Care”, integrating Social and Health worlds.
    The inCASA model, based on ontology concept, allows rapid development and deployment of innovative telemedicine and eHealth applications, which will promote innovation in European healthcare industry. It is of particular interest to innovative SMEs where containment of development cost is critical and where SMEs can interoperate with the inCASA platform in order to deliver specific healthcare value added services.

    Same as social care related SMEs, empowered by technologies and looking for integration to eHealth platforms, could give a big boost to inCASA solution providing a new merged concept of “eCare” service delivery.

    inCASA purposely involves SMEs for their innovative approaches. This includes one SME in the core aspect of the system architecture definition and realisation and two SMEs are involved in the key aspects of the deployment strategy definition. This may not provide an accurate estimate of the final involvement and participation of SMEs in the industry, but we would foresee a notable impact.
    Although healthcare and social care services in some EU countries are covered by the national system of social security, this is not the general case. This presents many niche markets for services to the elderly.

    The new business models, with public private partnerships bringing together payers, providers and patients in new constellations, will greatly impact European industries and the way they see the business potential in eCare. The policy framework and reimbursement recommendations developed in inCASA will be followed in the pilots, resulting in stimulation of the market for service delivery.

    See also...

    inCASA for Senior Citizens
    inCASA for Scientific Communities
      Organizations involved
    Santer Reply Fundación Hospital de Calahorra Agenzia Territoriale per la casa della Provincia 
          di Torino Brunel University The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens Steinbeis Innovation Center Embedded Design and 
    The inCASA project is partly funded by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support Programme See all...
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